Monday, April 5, 2010


We had a very mellow Easter. My parents came over to have dinner and spend the night. Shane was blessed with 3 visits from the Easter Bunny (that is 3 different Easter baskets). Egg dying was success except that there were 3 broken eggs in the dozen, and one used earlier for muffins, so there weren't many eggs to dye, but I don't think Shane noticed. He just wanted to eat them.

Egg hunting was again this year held inside. The darn weather the past couple weeks has been very cold, windy and rainy. He loved finding the eggs and then shaking them to make sure there was a surprise inside.

This is what it takes to be able to go outside these days. Poor kid just wants to get some fresh air.

1 comment:

  1. He looks so much like Kenny in that first shot!

    Ellie went out egg hunting in her sleeveless dress!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!