Friday, April 16, 2010

The New 'Hood

We have resident ducks in the new neighborhood. Daddy and Mommy Duck, if you ask Shane. Mr. Duck is quite the little talker and will follow you where ever you go. The minute you step out of the house they come running from where ever they are to talk to you and I assume hope you have food for them. I watched them this morning move from house to house as people came out for the day. Hilarious!!

You can see Mommy Duck laying in the grass.

Shane took his trike out last weekend to get some riding in around the cul-de-sac. It was recently paved, so perfect for a new trike rider, who doesn't seem to like to ride that much.

Our tulips are out. I had the toughest time getting a good picture of them. I just couldn't get the right angle. You'll have to see in person all the colors, heights and shapes. Beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Love the ducks! And the picture of Shane riding the tricycle brought a smile to my face! I love seeing others be able to enjoy our toys that we've outgrown. It brings back great memories of watching my boys ride!


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