Tuesday, June 1, 2010

3 Day Weekend.

We headed over to the Olympic Peninsula for the long weekend, hoping that we'd see more sun. That didn't happen, but we did have a good time. Saturday morning we had to wait in the ferry line and while waiting Shane had to go "poop really bad". We plopped him on the potty and I couldn't resist taking a picture.

We had intended on camping Saturday night but with the weather being not all that great we decided that Mema and Papa's warm bed and house sounded like a better idea. We still got a chance to hang out by the camp fire and roast hot dogs and catch up with some friends from my high school days.

On Sunday the rain passed for a few hours and we were able to hang out by the barn and have another fun fire and BBQ steaks. Shane had fun running around Mema and Papa's "yard" and sitting on the "tractor" (aka lawn mower). He was truly in love with that thing, cleaning it off, "fixing" it and even riding on it twice around the pond!!

All and all, a good time was had. We even got breaks of sunshine on the way home in the car and a couple hours of sun after we got home.


  1. I've been having fun catching up on your blog from the last two weeks-- great pics, stories, etc.! Love it, thank you for sharing!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!