Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Time in Sequim

Shane and I spent most of last week in Sequim for our final summer visit. We did the normal play outside, go to the beach, play at the park and visit Great Penny Grandma. It was fun to see Shane visit Penny Grandma this time. We had breakfast out with her and they played stack the creamers and knock them over together. Then later at her house they played toss with a pillow. I liked seeing them both get a chance to be involved with each other.

We made a stop at the Feiro Marine Life Center in Port Angeles. Shane refused to touch any animals in the water or even let us pick him up. He found a stool and was would only use that to look into the tanks.

What is summer at Mema and Papa's house with out using the hose??? His favorite activity of all, along with cleaning the cement with a scrub brush.
Painting with pudding.
and of course, eating the pudding, too.

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