Friday, September 17, 2010

Mariners Game

We took Shane to his annual Mariners baseball game Wednesday afternoon. When I told him we were going to a baseball game the first thing he asked is if we were going to see the Hot Dog guy. Which we saw at the Everett Aquasox game this summer. He was greatly disappointed when I told him no, but I quickly followed up with we would see the Moose. Thinking in my head....I sure hope we see the Moose! Well surprise, surprise. Shane got to have his picture taken with the fuzzy guy. Kenny said that he had never seen so much love in Shane's eyes before. This kid LOVES people in costumes!!

Our center field bleacher seats. The place to go when you have a wiggly 3 year old that really doesn't watch the game.
Watching the pitchers warm up. He said this was his 2nd favorite part (1st being the Moose). We also went down to the other end of the pitching mound to see the catcher catch. Which he just loved the sound of the ball hitting the glove. The catcher even waved at him. Which brought a huge grin to his face.

Watching the pitchers chat before the game. He gave one of them a fist bump after this. A little boy in baseball heaven. Or maybe it was a Daddy in baseball heaven.

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