Monday, November 22, 2010


Yesterday we saw the first snow this winter and today it actually stuck to the ground!! Shane was in snow heaven along with the dogs. They all went out and played in it for quite a while. A lot longer then I would have guested.

Adalyn's first visit back to the hospital for a lactation consultant and postpartum visit was this morning. With the snow Kenny stayed home to help get us there. I wasn't looking forward to driving my brand new infant to the appointment by myself. She is down to 7lbs which puts her at the 10% loss mark. Which means we need to supplement like we did with Shane. I felt we would probably have to do this. With some supplementing I think she'll do awesome and feel so much better. We both will since I'll be able to get some sleep at night, too!!

And Adalyn's first time in a fun chair. She has times of very alertness. We got one of those while she sat in a chair and looked around at everyone.

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