Monday, November 8, 2010

Menu Monday

Monday is upon us again and we still don't have a baby. BUT we did have an amazing weekend with out the little guy (who was at Mema and Papa's). We are really, really, really ready for her now. I think we are caught up on just about everything we can cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, sleep, errands and relaxing. Not to mention almost all the Christmas shopping is completed AND wrapped!! I held myself back from putting up the Christmas decorations over the weekend, but am itching to do so while baby is still not here.

This weeks menu is super simple:

Monday -- hash-browns and ham (didn't have it last week)

Tuesday -- tortilla pizza

Wednesday -- pulled bbq chicken sandwiches

Thursday -- leftovers (DUE DATE!!!!)

Friday -- Spaghetti and crescent rolls

Saturday -- leftovers

Sunday -- there better be a baby in the house by then....that is all I am saying about that!

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