Monday, December 6, 2010

Menu Monday

My first week home with both kiddos by myself!! I might be slightly scared, nervous and confident all at the same time. We'll see how it goes. With that in mind, I am going to keep the dinner menu super simple.

Monday -- Chicken, Salad and Bread brought over by my awesome cousins Jeff, Shonda and Baby Arli! Thanks Guys, that was super super nice of you!!

Tuesday -- Pasta Dish from the freezer

Wednesday -- leftovers if there is enough from last night

Thursday -- Chicken Enchiladas brought over by our wonderful friend Betsy and Little Lucy. I have decided having someone bring you dinner is the best gift of all! It is a wonderful feeling to know that that portion of the day has already been taken care of. Thanks, Betsy!!!

Friday -- Adalyn and I are having dinner at The Keg for our annual Cul-De-Sac Holiday Party. Shane and Kenny will be left to fend on their own.

Saturday -- Salmon and rice

Sunday -- Adalyn and I will be attending the annual Craft Club Holiday Party. It will be another night of fending for yourself.

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