Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

Happy New Year! I've been thinking about my goals for 2011. Not resolutions, but things I'd like to work on or start doing more of or do better at. Here is what I have so far.

**Exercise: Since most of last year I was pregnant it's been a while since I've worked out regularly and now I have 10 extra pounds left from being pregnant that I would like to see gone sooner then later. It took me almost exactly 1 year to lose all the baby weight after having Shane. I'm hoping to lose it this time around much faster.

When am I going to squeeze this extra item into my day? I'm not sure exactly, but I'm going to shoot for 3 times a week working out to my Jillian Michaels DVD I have (and have never used) and when the weather gets warmer getting out and walking again with the kiddos. I think Shane will join me in hopping around while I work out so I can do that when Adalyn naps or in the evening when Kenny is home.

**Scrapbooking: I would like to keep up with my scrapbooking monthly by using Studio J our online digital scrapbooking program. I would love to get Adalyn's baby book completed this way. I am aiming to at the end of each month sit down and complete any needed pages this way.

**Dinner: I've been in a dinner rut for awhile now. It's been hard trying to make dinner with Adalyn since I never know if she'll be eating, sleeping or awake when I need to make dinner. I'm armed with some new cookbooks that I received for Christmas and I hope to get in a new recipe once a week. Along with getting some better sides going with dinner as well.

**Cloth Diapering: As the new year begins we'll be starting our adventure with cloth diapering. I have my supplies and she is big enough I believe to start wearing said supplies. Now I just have to get over my fear of using them and we'll be good to go!!

Here is to a new and rewarding 2011.

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