Friday, February 11, 2011

Conversations with Shane

This was our conversation in the car after I picked him up from preschool one day this week.

Me: Tell me about your day at school.

Shane: I went pee all by myself!!!! (This was something we have been working on all year. He refused to go and had even peed his pants a few weeks back).

Me: Yay!! Nice job. Did you need any help?

Shane: Teacher buttoned my pants.

Me: Did you learn any thing today?

Shane: Teacher told us that God made our nose for breathing, not for picking. (another thing we have been working on for months now)

Me: Wow, that is a smart teacher you have. Which Teacher taught you that?

Shane: Mrs. Armfield (She has always been my favorite of the four Teachers, now I know why!!)

Me: Any thing else you want to tell me about today?

Shane: I gave the necklace to Trinity.

Me: Did she like it? (Just as I said this Trinity's Mom pulled up next to us in her car. She rolled her window down and said that the necklace was so sweet and Trinity says she loves Shane.)

Shane: I love Trinity.

All in a days work at preschool.

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Armfield was one of Marissa's teachers at that preschool. We loved her too!


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