Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mr. Big Brother Shane

Our little boy is growing up. I can't believe in 4 short months he will be turning four years old!! Here is a little highlight of what Shane is up to these days.

He LOVES his pajamas. I mean he has an addiction to his PJ's. He doesn't want to leave the house because he doesn't want to take them off. With this obsession came the ability to dress and undress himself. Basically because Mommy and Daddy got so very tired of taking his clothes on and off so he could put his pajamas back on. Also, along with this came an interest in what he wears. I have been happily picking out his clothes for years and I can say I am not so happy he has an opinion in the matter now. There are rules though. No sweat pants to school and the outfit he picks must "match".

Oh, the stories he tells. Long, long, detailed stories ALL day long. And the imagination has kicked into full gear.

His new favorite activity is "cooking" in the kitchen while I make dinner. I give him a cutting board, a butter knife and scrapes of food to cut up. He puts it all into a pan and creates something wonderful for us to "eat" at dinner. The first evening he did this he actually tired his concoction. Leaving him in tears of embarrassment that he truly thought it would taste good and from the fact raw onions and apples together are hard to swallow down. He didn't even spit any of it out What pride! He will spend an hour doing this activity. Making this Mommy so very happy!!

He is a fantastic big brother. He helps gets things for Adalyn, knows when she is hungry or tired, talks to her sweetly and can calm her down if she is upset. He still refuses to hold her though and he does not like her near anything of his because she might spit up on it (straight from the mouth of a 3.5 year old boy).

Playing outside is another one of his favorite activities. I love that I can bundle him up and send him outside with the dogs in rain, sun, wind or snow. They'll run around, dig dirt, and kick. Letting off much needed steam.

He also loves doing "projects". Which can mean art projects or "office" projects. Give him some paper, markers, scissors, crayons, glue, tape, etc. He is a happy little clam creating some thing or other

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