Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cloth Diaper Update

We have been cloth diapering for about 3 months now. It certainly took some getting use to and was harder at first than disposable diapers. I am very happy we stuck with it though and now that I have a system to it and can go about 3-4 days between washes I love using them!! We are still using disposable at night. But I anticipate after we run out of what we currently have on hand, I will be giving cloth diapers a try at night. 

My favorite cloth diaper is the G diaper. They are not as bulky as all the other diapers I have tried. I love the versatility of them. With the insert I think you get a lot more use out of the diaper cover. The one thing I don't like about them is that they velcro in the back. I know it is because some kids try to take off their diapers, but mine never did. I just find it more difficult to do it that way. My 2nd favorite cloth diaper would be the basic cloth diaper with a cover like Thirsties.

I made about 24 flannel cloth wipes to use rather then disposable wipes. It is a lot easier to just toss the dirty wipes in the diaper hamper and wash them, instead of having to separate out things into garage and diaper hamper. I spray a diluted soap solution on them before I wipe her down. There are a ton of fun recipes for things with lavender oils, etc, but if you wash them with your cloth diapers the oils will make the cloth diapers not as absorbent.

I wash every 3rd day or so. I start them in a cold rinse/spin cycle (with out soap), then they go into a heavy hot cycle with an extra rinse. I am currently using liquid Seventh Generation detergent.I tried Rocking Green powder detergent, but didn't like the powder aspect of it.

I have about 12 med/large G diaper inserts and 6 med/large G diaper covers that I use the most often during the 3-4 day cycle. Usually on wash day I go into my "back stock" of other random cloth diapers I have (but don't like as much as the G diapers).

I think the hardest thing about cloth diapering is figuring out your "system", deciding what diapers you like, how many to buy and how to wash them. When you get that all worked out, it is so super simple and easy. I feel great about not throwing away all the mounds of disposable diapers and it is easier on the pocket book, too. 

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