Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kitchen Remodel Phase II

Another wall has come down in our house this weekend. After our visit to the Home Show, we started getting estimates to start our work in the kitchen. Last week we found the company that we wanted to do our refacing/new cabinets in the kitchen and signed a contract. Super exciting! They start their work April 11th. We needed to get our portion of the work done before they arrive by taking out the wall and getting the electrical squared away.

Now we just need to pick counter tops and purchase the flooring. 

A view of the wall from the dining room (the kitchen is on the other side of it).
A rare opportunity was taken to draw on the walls by Kenny and Shane. 
They had it covered in people and airplanes.

A view of the wall from the kitchen.
After the wall has been removed. Looking into the kitchen from the dining room.
After: Looking into the dining room from the kitchen.
Where this wall was will be replaced with an island/bar or "kitchen nook/breakfast area" with cabinets.
The wall to the right that is still standing will have cabinets on the top and bottom, 
along with additional counter tops.
Basically giving us twice the amount of cabinet space and counter tops from what we originally have.


  1. Here it is, now it is gone! And it looks so neat. Isn't demo suppose to be messy?

  2. how very very exciting.....good job on the demolition..father and son

  3. How exciting, it will be so nice and open!


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