Monday, March 7, 2011

Menu Monday

I tried some new recipes out of my new Jessica Seinfeld cookbook last week. I haven't been so happy with any of them yet. Which is weird because I LOVE the other one I have. I'll have to try a couple more and see if it is me or the cookbook.

I hit a food rut this week and it certainly didn't help that the new recipes I tried weren't so good. I am not feeling very inspired right now, so this week's menu could easily change on a whim. 

Monday -- leftover pizza and cesar salad from last night

Tuesday -- Something with the ground turkey I accidentally took out a couple days ago to dethaw.

Wednesday -- leftovers from whatever it is I make on Tuesday

Thursday -- Salmon and rice

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday -- Tortellinis

Sunday -- Breakfast for Dinner

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