Thursday, May 19, 2011

6 Month Check Up

Little Adalyn isn't so little any more. She is weighing in at 16 pounds 5.5 ounces. She has jumped up into the 75% for her weight. She was in the 50%. She is also in the 75% for her height as well at 26 inches. Certainly, not the numbers we saw from little Shane at this point in his life.

I came home from her last visit a little overwhelmed. We talked about her poor eating and sleeping habits, finger foods and sippy cups. What! Finger foods and sippy cups. Already!? And yes, I know she has bad "snacking"/feeding habits with the bottle and still isn't sleeping through the night because she wants to "snack" all night long. But I have been trying and trying to fix these issues and nothing seems to be working. Just maybe this round of trying new things will do the trick.

In about two weeks we get to start giving her Cheerio like items (since she is gluten free she won't actually get cheerios but something similar) and small pieces of fruit or other food that she can gum in her mouth. And a sippy cup with water. She'll even be on a regular meal schedule 3x's a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). I really can't believe we have already reached this point with her. The first year just flies by with all the new stuff and changes that happen.

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh! Sounds like I havve a lot of catching up to do with Courtney. She's 8 months and I still only feed her solids about once every day or so. I've never tried finger foods with her either. Guess I should get on the ball!


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