Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Half a Year Old

Adalyn is 6 months old today! Half of a year! If Addie could talk this is what I think she would say about her life at this point:

What is your favorite toy?  My crinkly book and my exersaucer.

What new skill have you mastered lately?   Rolling over from my back to my belly. I like to do it over and over and over again.

What is your favorite food? Carrots are pretty yummy and peas are pretty good, too.

What are your thoughts on your Big Brother? He is so funny. He makes me laugh and smile all the time. He is also very nice and plays with me and brings me toys.

What does your Mommy do the best?  She is really good at tickling me and making me laugh.

What does your Daddy do the best? He is good at letting me play with a whole mess of toys while I sit up like a big girl.

What skill do you think you want to conquer next? I think I am  looking at walking. I really like this standing up stuff. Crawling seems sorta boring....I may just need to go straight to walking.

What do Daddy and Mommy want you to do the most? I am pretty sure they really want me to sleep through the night! 

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!