Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I woke up this morning to a schedule prepared by Kenny for my special Mother's Day:

*Sleep in
*Eat a yummy breakfast of scones
*Hang out with the family
*Go to Starbucks by myself
*Go to a movie by myself
*Have dinner at Steamers (my new favorite fish and chip place)

Before the movie I had some time to catch up on a few errands by myself and do a little shopping. I went and saw African Cats. I know...I picked to go see a G rated movie all by myself. But I've been really wanting to see it and Shane didn't want to go (and after seeing it best that I didn't take him). And there just wasn't anything that I really wanted to see out right now. It was a sweet movie, perfect for Mother's Day, since it was all about real life mommy lion and cheetah cats caring for their babies.

It was a fantastic break from the daily grind of two kids. By the time I got home, I missed them terribly. I love the feeling of missing them. Makes me realize how much I love them all dearly!


  1. so jealous of you...I too got to sleep in but I wish I would of thought of going to a movie, it didn't even cross my mind! Next year for sure that is what I am going to be doing!! Great idea, Kenny gets props for that!!!

  2. Sounds like a great day! I remember the days of just wanting time to myself on Mother's Day. Glad you got to do your own thing for a bit :)


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