Monday, June 6, 2011

Menu Monday

Last week the Menu got skipped, but I had just been to the grocery store and the Yakima Fruit Market (where I like to get our fresh produce during the spring and summer months). Making it a lot easier to plan the meals.

Monday -- Spanish Rice in the crock pot (I am making a few basic changes to the recipe...I tried browning the meat in the crock pot and so far so good. I did drain the fat off of it after a couple hours of being in there. I am also going to add my rice towards the end to help make it not so mushy.)

Today Shane asked my why I always talk about the crock pot. It was cute.

Tuesday -- leftovers

Wednesday -- Turkey Sausage and Potatoes (oh...Mema will be here, hope she is game for this!)

Thursday --Date Night while Mema is here

Friday -- Taco Pasta Toss (just stumbled on this one)

Saturday -- Shane's Birthday Party...not sure what will happen for dinner

Sunday -- ???

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