Thursday, June 30, 2011

She is On the Move

Since Adalyn turned 7 months each day we've seen more and more progress towards her crawling. It has been so fun to see her wake up each morning and be just a little better at it. For awhile she would get so frustrated because she wanted to go somewhere, but just couldn't get all the parts to work together. Her attempts would often end with her giving up and getting there via rolling. When you go in to get her from a nap she is up on all fours practicing. She certainly puts all her powers into "nailing" a milestone.

As of the last couple days she has it down! The arms and the legs are all working together. When she sees something she wants she "targets" into it and is off. Maybe a dirty dog tennis ball, one of Shane's various toys laying around, dirt on the get the picture. We are now on our toes keeping sure Little Addie isn't attempting to consume something she shouldn't be. The gate has been put up and the plants have been moved up.

Watch out! Adalyn is on the loose and she is getting faster and faster every day.


  1. So cute! She is getting so big.

  2. Wow, 7 months is early with my family!!! Morgan was 10 months, Cameryn 8 1/2 months and Jaidyn 9 1/2 months, that is great that she has started already! I love the Shane wearing his pajama's? I know you said he LOVES his PJ's and so does a chuckle out of that, as well when he said "was it my turn already" what a great brother!!

  3. toooooo funny...way to be a big brother, Shane


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