Sunday, July 10, 2011

Garage Sales

A few years ago Kenny got us started on casual garage sale shopping during the summer months. It became a lot of fun to just head out on a sunny summer morning with Shane in tow to see what kind of things we could score. Some days we came back empty handed and other days we would hit it big. We mostly shopped (and still do shop) for kid items. Toys, books and clothes. Now and then we'll find a great deal on a house item or some thing random.

Now that garage sale season is up and running in our area, we've been out seeing what we can find. I even started reading a new Mommy yard sale blog, making me want to score some stuff for cheap and then resell it on ebay for lots of money.

Most of our garage sales here go on Friday and Saturday. I thought I would venture out this last Friday, all by myself, with both kids and see how that would go. This is what I came home with after 4 garage sales (besides two crabby and tired kiddos).
3 pink storage boxes for Adalyn's closet -- .50 each
a full large box of disposable bibs (perfect for our upcoming vacation/road trip in a few weeks) -- $1
baby toy for Addie -- .25
2 books for Shane -- $1
dress outfit, Osh Gosh pants and top and one pair of brand new Old Navy socks for Addie -- $2

Grand Total: $4.75

So far I am having a hard time finding things I think I can resell on ebay or at a consignment store. But I'm going to keep hitting them this summer and see what I can stumble upon. My kind of gambling!

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading her blog too! I got hooked after she was featured on Money Saving Mom!! I have been reselling clothing on ebay for years but obviously I was in the wrong area! I have not found anything good this year out at the sales though; maybe later this summer we can team up one Friday or Saturday without our kiddos and hit as many as we can!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!