Saturday, July 30, 2011

Six Years

Did you know the traditional gift for your 6th wedding anniversary is iron? I found this list of ideas:

- Weight set
- Boxset of Robert Downey Jr. movies (you know, because he's Ironman)
- A set of cookbooks from Food Networks Iron Chefs
- New gate to spruce up your home
- Cast iron skillet
- Football tickets to watch the battle on the gridiron
-Gold Club

The whole thing sorta made me chuckle. After more research I found out that the modern gift is wood. As Kenny and I are celebrating are 6th year of marriage today, we will be purchasing ourselves some trees for the back yard. Now doesn't that sound oh so romantic.

1 comment:

  1. For my 6th I got wood floors that Sean, My Dad, Myself and my mom installed! Ha!


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