Friday, July 15, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Shane just finished up a session of swimming lessons. It was his first all by himself in the kiddie pool. This was day 1 (click to enlarge so you can get the full appearance of his face):

Day 2 was better when Kenny took him. Then on day 3 I took him and we were back to square one. Kenny then got the permanent Swim Dad job. Days 4-7 have been super successful. He had a blast, talked to his teacher and the kids. Even made small progress on his swimming skills. All with out any whining or crying! A pure miracle if you ask us. He was so sad on his last day we are trying to get him into another session, but so far with schedules and wait lists it isn't looking good.


  1. I so wish I had an inground pool. I'd be teaching lessons from there.

    I'm glad you found the best way to get him swimming. Great job Shane! You are going to be a fish soon! We should take the kids swimming.

  2. if it wasn't so sad " the look" would make you fall off your chair laughing....


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