Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More Summer Fun

We are back from our annual summer trip to Sequim. Each year we some how manage to get great weather. We spent lots of time outside in the sun, playing in the water and at the beach. Adalyn turned on her vacation sleeping for us (which means she didn't sleep great). As well, as teething yet again. As usual here are our Sequim adventure through pictures:

Mmmmm....yellow watermelon. If you can't tell, Adalyn liked it. She couldn't get it in her mouth fast enough.

 Ask and you shall receive. "Spray me with the hose, Papa!"
 Picking "Papa's Berries".

 Heck why not just have lunch outside? Along with some yogurt "finger painting".
 Beach time. See Mt. Baker way in the background on the right. It was clearer in person. We took Addie to the beach with us twice and regretted it both times. Rocks, sand and seaweed make for a grouchy Mommy and Baby. All she wanted to do was put EVERYTHING into her mouth. And she was VERY mad when I wouldn't let her.

 She just loved watching as her Big Brother took a bath. You ask, Why isn't she in the bath? Trust me, she got a both or two, but she is a tricky slippery bath taker right now. Shane needed some soaking time with out slippery Adalyn around.
Our summer is coming to an end. Preschool starts soon....yah!!! But of course, we still have Hawaii. Just 28 days away!

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