Friday, September 2, 2011

Flashback Friday

A little comparison between both kiddos at 9 months of age. 

Shane was 9 months in March of 2008. Two houses ago for us. I have no idea why the boppy is on the couch behind me. I have NO idea what we were using it for at this point?! His blanket looks so new. He had such crazy hair.
He still had a pacifier. But at least he was sleeping through the night (besides once or twice a night when I had to pop the pacifier back in). Unlike Miss Adalyn who continues to be consistently inconsistent. I think we can count on ONE hand how many times she has slept 6+ hours in a row at night at this point.

This was my rocking chair growing up. Here they both are at 9 months sitting in it.


  1. I love the idea of Flashback Friday.

  2. I've loved looking through your blog - you have some gorgeous photos. I adore the one of your baby in the cot, so peaceful.

    Following you from the Lots of Lovin’ Weekend Blog Hop.

    CJ xx


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