Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Are you getting tired hearing about our trip to Maui?! This is the last post about Hawaii...I promise.
Our first night out to dinner we ate at Cheese Burger in Paradise. Kenny and I ate there 9.5 years ago when we were in Maui together. Ever since then Kenny has talked about how that is his favorite hamburger joint. Behind us in the Lahaina marina was a sailboat that was half way under water. I think Shane asked about 110 questions about this boat through dinner and for an hour afterward. This was his attempt to take a picture of the sailboat. As for dinner, it didn't hit the mark for me, but Kenny was happy with it. We really only ate out at dinner time, so it was a big deal to get some good grub, since during the day we were slumming it was PB&J's and Mac and Cheese. We ate at quite a few local restaurants just a few blocks were we stayed and those turned out to really have the best food and better prices then the couple bigger places we ate at in Lahaina. Oddly enough, the one place we loved the most when we were there last was the place we liked the least this time around.
For the most part Shane did really well. He listened and played on his own at the condo. Every now and then he would just say "I love Hawaii".  He would go to bed just exhausted from all the water play and wake up the next morning ready to do it all over again. But sometimes things would just catch up to him (tired, lack of food, transitioning from one activity to the next) and we'd have a melt down on our hands. I just couldn't help but take pictures of this one.

He really loves to color and has gotten SO good at it. While we would wait for our food he would color so quietly with the kids menu he would get.
I just love this picture. He was obsessed with the snorkel goggles, but refused to try them in the water. He is a lot of talk and not a lot of action. "I'll try them later". We hear that a lot from him, but "later" never comes. 
I did a lot of this during our week away. I read 3.5 books! Note: I have not touched the book I hadn't completed since we've been home.
Another picture captured by Shane. I think the kid needs a camera for Christmas.
We certainly missed Adalyn while we were gone. She did fabulous with Mema. And Mema did a great job holding down the fort while we were away. The house was clean when we left, but it was even cleaner when we got back. The trip would have not been possible with out my Mom taking Addie for us. Thanks, Mom!!
Our last night there a big cruise ship passed by. We actually got Shane out of bed (which was a BAD idea) so he could see it. It was super hard to get a good picture with it being so dark, but the size of that thing was amazing.

Photos By: Shane Booth (I sorta like the tilted look...it's creative.)

Until we meet again Hawaii....Aloha.


  1. loved your Hawaii picture story.....

  2. Those are GREAT! What sweet memories for your whole family! Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you back!

  3. Jessica! We are going to Maui in 2 weeks!!!! :o) Where did you stay?? Yes, we are taking the two littles! Crazy, maybe.

  4. Ahhhh, relaxing! We honeymooned in Maui seven years ago, and your post brought back some good memories. Maui sounds good right about now...glad you had a good trip! :)

    Dawn (Our Little Monkeys)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!