Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mother Nature in Hawaii

We saw some awesome things while in Hawaii. My all time favorite was the turtles. We knew there were turtles around where we were staying. They liked to eat off the rock wall right in front of our condo. But days had gone by with out any sightings. Then one afternoon when we were at Ka'anapli beach I heard a lady walking by me tell someone that there were turtles up close and personal that way. I instantly hopped up and ran down to where she was pointing. Which was the rocky end point of the beach, but basically right up near the shore. They were HUGE....I mean gigantic, 3+ feet across. They would swim right by you or right up to you. I am literally standing right next to them taking their pictures here.

 There are two in this picture with Kenny and Shane.

 Finally, we saw them off the rock wall at our place.
 Here there are two eating of the wall. Kenny went snorkeling at Kapalua beach and saw the biggest one of all. He couldn't believe how big he was. It was so much fun to turtle watch.

We saw beautiful sunsets every night.

And of course the awesome tropical plants and flowers. I would love to have some hibiscus flowers in my backyard.

This was probably my 2nd favorite thing we saw...a rainbow stretching across from one island to another island touching the horizon on both sides and even double at a couple points. It was SO amazing. I wanted to get the whole rainbow in the shot, but it just wasn't possible.

Then there was animals. Geckos every where in and outside of the condo. This little guy was sick or something because he laid out on the patio all day (they usually only come out at evening time) and by the end of the day he was dead.
 This little guy in the hole is a Ghost Crab. They would dig holes in the sand and pop up now and then. If you were still you could see them run all over the beach sometimes in the morning.
 I think this is a Black Rock Crab. They were all over the rock wall and were kinda creepy scorpion like looking.
I loved eating the different kind of Hawaiian foods and seeing all the different things that we don't have here in Washington. I think I have one final Hawaii post to go. Sometime this week I'll finish off our Hawaii adventures.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts!