Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Meet Bunny....Adalyn's lovey.
Bunny is needed when Adalyn is tired, in the car or going to sleep. 
This is Bunny before she took a bath. 
Which easily needs to happen daily, but realistically happens once a week.
This is Bunny after her bath.
Just barely better...for minutes...until Adalyn gets a hold of her. 
This is Bunny II (Her sister Bunny III still resides in the Amazon box).
Bunny II and Bunny III were purchased to help take some pressure off Bunny.
She really needs a day off now and then for some serious spa time.
But Adalyn REFUSES to have anything to do with Bunny II.
Hence Bunny III is still in the box to be returned.

My little Stinker takes one look at Bunny II and tosses her aside.

Recently Adalyn broke up with Bunny.
Bunny had just returned from her trip to the washing machine/dryer.
Adalyn wanted NOTHING to do with her.
Three days went by with no love for Bunny.
We thought Bunny's days had come to an end.
While this break up was happening though Adalyn won't sleep.
On day four Adalyn forgave Bunny and all was well once again.


  1. How cute! My son has a little blue lamb called "Guy". We ended buying 3 extra Guys. For a while, two Guys rotated without any objections. Then he switched back to the first Guy only. Boy do those loveys get filthy.


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