Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Colored Rice

A couple weeks ago we made colored rice for our water table turned sensory table. I took a peek at some recipes online, but they all asked for rubbing alcohol or vinegar. I knew that Miss. Adalyn would take to eating the rice so no rubbing alcohol and I really hate the smell of vinegar, so I decided to give it a shot with out using either of those. Plus, I was in a hurry and really didn't want to do an extra step.

We made 3 different colors. 
One reason you use rubbing alcohol or vinegar is to get a more intense color. 
I actually really like the mixed colors we got with out using it.

I didn't let Adalyn into the rice until a few days ago when I found her quietly playing in it. 
She had found an open door into the off limits of Big Brothers bedroom.
For some reason she was leaning against it like this. I found it so funny!

This is reason #2 that you use rubbing alcohol or vinegar.
The food coloring doesn't stay on the rice. 
When it is eaten it gets all over your mouth,
or on your hands. 
But for our purposes, I really don't mind. Maybe next time I'll try vinegar though. 


  1. Thanks so much for linking up at my linky party today! I LOVE this....I was JUST thinking about what to do with my daughter's water table (it is currently outside in the rain right now...whoops!). I need to try this!

  2. Just stopping by from the Thrifty Thursday Linky Party. I've always wanted to try colored rice in our sensory table...now I know the importance of using rubbing alcohol or vinegar! My tot will probably end up with a lot of rice in his mouth, so I'll probably try using vinegar...maybe the smell/taste will deter him from eating too much! I'm your newest follower on GFC!


  3. Hi! I am visiting from Thrifty Thursday Linky party. What a fun idea. Thanks for sharing with us the importance of the vinegar or alcohol. Great site!


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