Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

This was Adalyn's first Halloween, though I swore last year she did her best to scare me and act like she was going to arrive on Halloween. I DID NOT want a Halloween baby. After the 31st she quieted down and then ended up arriving a week late.

She also had a pretty lame costume this year. She was a fairy. When I got it for her she was crawling and I figured at the time it would be simple and easy and doable for this wiggly kiddo. Which it was. 

 I also realized that I don't take many pictures of her as of late. She is on the move so much and fast that getting a good picture of her is just about IMPOSSIBLE. This is pretty normal for Miss. Adalyn...to have multiple things in her hand and often those things are also in her mouth, too.
 This is what it looked like when I attempted to get their pictures together.

 I had to be in these pictures, just to get the little girl to hold still. She was checking something out in the street that had her smiling.

 Shane the turtle.
I took Adalyn trick-or-treating at a retirement community Halloween morning. She had a great time walking the hallways, seeing the kids dressed up and grabbing candy.

Shane went trick-or-treating in the old cul-de-sac neighborhood with the gang Halloween night. He started out with me walking him to the doors, then I slowly moved back and by house #7 or so he was all on his own (well besides the gang of kids we were with). It was HUGE to have him run around with everyone and go to the doors by himself. I mean HUGE!!! I was so happy and proud of him.

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