Monday, November 7, 2011

Thankful Chain

Shane and I worked on this thankful chain last week. We counted the days until Thanksgiving (which at the time was 21). I then had him come up with 21 things he was thankful for. I wrote each one on a slip of paper and stapled them together. Each morning he rips one of and we read what he is thankful for and we have a count down until the big Turkey Day Dinner at Mema and Papa's house.

What you'll need:
*Paper cut into sizes of 2x10-12 inches
(I used some of my pretty coordinating Close To My Heart Dreamin' scrapbooking paper)
*Thankful thoughts

If you wanted you could hang it like a garland.
OR use it as a countdown chain like we are.
Some of the things Shane is thankful for (he came up with all of them on his own):

*I am thankful for snow.
*I am thankful for fireman that can come and rescue me from a fire.
*I am thankful for Mema and Papa letting us go to their house for Thanksgiving.
*I am thankful for God making me.
*I am thankful for my toys.
*I am thankful for pumpkin pie.
*I am thankful for being a big boy.
*I am thankful for new cabinets.
*I am thankful for our house.
*I am thankful for God loving us forever.


  1. We did this last year--I love your choice of paper!

  2. This is so great. I love kids innocent little answers of what they're thankful for, it's so cute :) Stopping by from TGIF Linky Party. I am now your newest follower, hope you follow back.

    MiaB from

  3. Like this idea. So good to encourage thankfulness.

  4. Many have to do this one, very nice!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love this! What a wonderful way to help kids think about what they are thankful for! And you used such pretty paper it looks really cute. Thanks for linking up to TGIF!
    Beth =-)

  7. AndI am your newest follower. I'd love for you follow me too, if you want to =-)

  8. I love that idea! We do a thankful basket but we're gonna have to try the chain. Thanks for sharing.

  9. What a sweet list of things to be thankful for:) Thanks for sharing this idea...we make a chain at Christmas, but I like the idea of making one for Thanksgiving!

  10. What a fun idea! I found you through Living Life Intentionally. Thanks for sharing!


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