Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Countdown Chain

We've been on a countdown chain kick (Halloween, Thanksgiving and now Christmas) around here. I had plans on doing a Christmas chain countdown for Shane at the beginning of the month. It helps for the million times he asks how many days until Christmas. I can say go count your chain. Which generally ends the conversation at that point since he won't walk into his room and count them.

Anyways....I stumbled upon the idea of adding prayers to the tradition. Shane prays at school before snack, but we don't do any praying at home. Neither Kenny or I grew up praying at meal time or bed time, so I think we just don't even think about doing it. I thought this would be a helpful way to get us started.

I cut out strips of 12x2 inch CTMH Believe paper. Then I asked Shane to tell me people he would like to pray for at bed time. I wrote a name on the back of each slip of paper and then stapled the loops together. You can download the star top at here.


  1. I love the idea of adding prayers! I think prayers make this world a better place, and it makes us kinder people. What a good habit to instill in your kids!

  2. What a wonderful idea to add a prayer to your paper chain links! I used to love making paper chains as a child, and with my children when they were younger, how fun!!

  3. Great holiday idea! I love adding prayers to it. I wouldn't have thought of that. I am a new follower visiting from Sundae Showcase. Vicky from Mess For Less


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