Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Performance 2011

Shane had his Preschool Christmas Performance Friday morning. He was all decked out in his Christmas outfit (which he would wear every day if he could). He had been practicing his songs and "moves", but was super anxious about the "changes" to the day. We went over so many times what was going to happen and he still cried until he saw us sitting in the church waiting for him. His Teachers are so kind and caring with him. Two of them came up to him after the performance and told him how great he did and encouraged him. He doesn't mind the performing part, it the it's different then a normal day and there are lots of people part. But as soon as his eyes saw us he was all good.

My attempt at getting a picture of Adalyn. 
She was overdue for a nap. May just be my favorite picture of the day.
My handsome boys.

Video from the performance, too.

Linking up to:

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet pictures. How fun! And poor little girl... I know all to well what that's like! Thanks so much for linking up at "Life as this Mommy knows It"!

    p.s. - I'm your new GFC follower :)


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