Friday, December 9, 2011

Fleece Scarf

Our local elementary school had a craft fair recently. I had some shopping in mind to do. When we got inside we were surprised to find out it was a kid make your own craft "fair". They had about 10 different booths set up where kids could go and make crafts as holidays gifts or just for fun. They were super organized. You purchased punch cards ($2 per craft) and got your card punched when you picked your craft to make. We let Shane pick to crafts.

After walking around seeing his choices he knew right away he wanted to make the fleece scarf (and we thought it was the best choice out of them, too). He picked a nice pattern and then I helped him put beads on the end. (If you are making this on your own, make sure to get beads with big holes and you can use a skewer to help push the fabric through.) We did very simple beads on his, but you could embellish it so much more. 

It was seriously so darn easy to make and he is in LOVE, I mean in LOVE with his scarf. He gets compliments on it where ever we go. Which makes him like it even more.

What a perfect inexpensive, easy gift for your kids to make for their friends, right?!?!

1 comment:

  1. That is such an awesome gift idea! Please stop by and link up with our Crafty Christmas Gifts


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