Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Play-dough Fun + Recipes

I made play-dough from scratch for the first time ever a couple weeks ago. I needed to make a double batch of green playdough for Shane's preschool. They gave me this recipe and I really liked how there was vanilla in it.

Play-dough Recipe 
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup salt
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar
  • 2 teaspoons of imitation vanilla
  • food coloring (optional)
Combine flour, salt and cream of tartar in a saucepan.

Add water, oil and food coloring and stir until smooth.

Cook over medium heat until play-dough is nearly set and starting to pull away from the sides of the pan.

Add vanilla and stir until blended.

Remove from heat and knead until the stickiness is gone. (That was my favorite part...warm play-dough was so fun to play with!)

I thought it was funny because I had just purchased a brand new set of stainless steel cookware and this was the very first thing I "cooked" in it. I was cringing the whole time wondering if I would ever get the play-dough off my new pot. It came perfectly clean and no harm was done to my brand new pot. Phew!!

Last week I made Gingerbread Play-dough for Shane. I really liked this recipe, too. It smells fabulous! I printed him out these gingerbread house play-dough mats and he had lots of fun putting "candy" on the houses and making cookies with his play-dough. We've never used play-dough mats before. I thought they were a great resource to add to the fun of play-dough play.

 I had planned on letting Adalyn in on the play-dough fun. She really didn't want anything to do with it. I'll try again soon and see if she is interested then.


  1. Hi! I think that this is just great!
    I would LOVE for you to stop in and link this up in my Homeschooling on the Cheap! Link up. It is fairly new and I post it every Thursday. IT stays up all week. I'm looking for ideas on things homeschoolers can do. This looks like something for sure!

    Thank you, Kelli

  2. Isn't homemade playdough the best!! I made some peppermint playdough recently and it was well loved as well! Stopping by from TGIF

  3. I love playdough!! I recently discovered the joys of making my own & I'm never going back =-) Thanks for linking up to TGIF!! Merry Christmas,
    Beth =-)

  4. LOVE playdough...we are supposed to do playdough for my daughter's occupational therapy homework and I keep meaning to make our own...it would make it even more fun!

    Thanks for sharing at Thrifty Thursday! I hope you and your family has a WONDERFUL holiday season!

  5. Nice recipe!
    We love Playdough here.
    Enjoy your holiday!

    a.k.a. Pinterest Mama


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