Friday, January 6, 2012

Learning is Fun.

Meet Z.Z., the newest member of our family. 

Z.Z. is a zebra and she eats carrot letters and cabbage numbers.

Shane loves her and asks to feed her every day. 
He is getting so good at feeding her basic letters and numbers, 
I need to come up with some new food for Z.Z. to eat. 

I am thinking tomorrow she may need to eat some math facts.

Our zebra friend is made out of a tissue box, white and black paper and some wiggly eyes.
Shane keeps asking for a tail for Z.Z. and I keep forgetting to make one. 

I love when we can have so much fun together laughing and learning. 


  1. Super cute idea! I am your newest follower. I'd love for you to follow me back, if you want to =-) I also wanted to invite you to link up at TGIF Linky Party -
    Have a great weekend,
    Beth =-)

  2. This is so cute... Must make something like this for my daughter.. she would love it. Would like to invite you to share this on Sharing Saturday -

    have a happy day

  3. am pinning this for when we do the letter Z! what a creative idea! thanks for stopping by crayon freckles! i'm a new follower!

  4. What a great way to use my reindeer food!! :) And I am so glad that your daughter is loving it! YAY! Thanks so much for linking up at Thrifty Thursday!


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