Friday, January 20, 2012

More Snow

We've been snowed in for days now! Schools have been canceled all week. The weatherman keeps promising that it is going to let up and it will melt, but so far nothing but more snow and cold temperatures. Shane has loved spending time out in the white stuff sledding and romping around. The dogs even love going out and playing in the snow.

Shane and Adalyn getting ready for a sled ride. Little Girl hates getting dressed for the snow, so she has only made it out a couple times. Shane is a pro by now and has been outside to play in it 2-3 times every day.

Walking up the hill for a sled right with Daddy. Addie did best in the snow when she finally kept her mittens on. The two times before this she wouldn't wear them and got very upset when we came inside because her hands were so cold. She did not enjoy the "dethawing" of them.

Snow videos:

1. Adalyn and Shane out in the backyard. Her first time walking around back there.

2. Kenny, Shane and Adalyn sledding down the "horse hill". Both kids loved sledding.

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