Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sadie Rose


Our first "kid" turned 8 today. Just about 7 years ago after talking and talking about getting a dog and jumping through hoops to rescue a dog, Sadie Rose came home with us.

Her spot in the family hierarchy has fallen over the years. But she'll always been the first kiddo, even if she is furry.

Shane was quite concerned about Sadie and what was going to happen on her birthday today. He really thought she should have cake. He said she could have the cake part and he'd eat the frosting part since that was bad for her. What a thoughtful guy! He kept asking me who was going to come to the party and if she was going to get presents.

Instead we made these Peanut Butter Dog Cookies for her. He could barely wait to have them cool before giving one to her. She went on a car ride to pick up Shane from preschool and we even took her on a walk. I'd say overall it was a pretty good birthday for Old Lady Sadie.

1 comment:

  1. Awww sweet! What a good doggie mom you are :) And shane a great little furless brother for caring so much :)


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