Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sleep, Sunshine and More

Adalyn hit the ferry this weekend and headed to my parents for a little get away. She had a blast hanging out with Mema and Papa. While the three of us had a nice little weekend with out the toddler in our family. We got so much done!! It is truly amazing how much can be completed when you don't have a little mess maker toddler running around asking up all day long. Here is a little recap of our weekend.

Friday evening we took Shane to the movies to see The Lorax. Shane is very hesitate about movies and generally doesn't enjoy them, but we thought this one would be okay and with both Mommy and Daddy there he would do fine. Nope, he did not enjoy it one bit. The emotional ups and downs, along with some minor "fighting" had him in cries on and off the whole time and while he wasn't crying he was stiff and prepared for something bad to happen. Poor kiddo didn't even want to talk about it after we left. It will be awhile before we hit the movies again.

Saturday we had sunshine! It was a gorgeous spring day, that was jammed packed. Shane had baseball practice in the morning. It was the first one that I was able to go see. I loved watching all the kids practicing. They were so darn cute and silly out on the baseball field.  When I showed up Shane was up to bat.

More baseball pictures to come in a future post!

After baseball practice we took the dogs on a hike. Shane loved hiking and has already asked to go back to the "forest".

After the hike we did some cleaning around the house and front yard while enjoying the AWESOME sunshine. Then we headed out to a yummy dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory.

Sunday we spent all day catching up on more house cleaning and random jobs around the house. This house has seriously been cleaned top to, baseboards, bathrooms, bedrooms, vacuuming under the beds, clean sheets, toys are organized, closets are organized, the deck has been swept, the cars were vacuumed and even the garage is cleaned and organized.

It feels really really really good to have gotten two full nights worth of sleep with out getting up to help Adalyn. It also feels great to have the house clean and that long list to-do shortened. THANKS, Mema and Papa for watching the little bugger while we played, slept and worked.

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