Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

What a wonderful Easter weekend we had. It started off with Kenny's big 35th birthday on Friday. Since my parents were in town, Kenny and I went out for dinner. Sadly, Kenny wasn't feeling well that day, so he really didn't get to enjoy the day a whole lot.

Saturday was a gorgeous day outside. We headed to the Easter egg hunt at our church. Neither of my kiddos were really into it. Just to many people and to much chaos. Shane did LOVE seeing the Easter bunny though.

Saturday afternoon we had a babysitter arranged to watch the kiddos, so that the grown ups could go and tour Red Hook Brewery. I love that the kids are super happy having a babysitter now. Love it!!

Sunday morning both kids were up early. Shane was so excited to see his Easter basket.
Shane colored eggs...
and Adalyn made a spring sticker picture.
The weather on Sunday was amazing. It's the first Easter in Shane's lifetime that it hasn't been pouring down rain. Which meant we were able to do the egg hunt outside. Which was a huge hit. Egg hunting was actually such a hit, we brought the eggs back inside and did another one inside. I think you could hide eggs for them all day long and they would find them.

Hope you had a fantastic Easter weekend as well!

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