Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sensory Table

What do I do when my kids are driving me crazy? I get out the "sensory table" aka water table and put something fun in it. This week they've been playing with corn meal. The table moves around in our house. It lives in Shane's room, but I'll bring it out to the living room for Adalyn and Arli to play in it. When the weather gets nice I move it out to the deck. That is where it's been this week. Yesterday it rained though. Shane discovered this morning that water and corn meal are pretty fun to play with, too.

A couple weeks ago I added oatmeal. Actually, the first time I used oatmeal I was making dinner and Adalyn just wasn't happy. I poured some out in a couple containers and let her have at it. She was super entertained.

Yes, it gets messy. But I am okay with the mess if it gives me a happy kid. Towards the end of her play she started to move the oatmeal to the living room. That was where I drew the line and cleaned it all up.

Other things I've added to the table (you can use containers or bins, too):
  • leaves
  • lentils (small enough so they aren't a choking hazard for the little ones)
  • noodles 
  • shaving cream 
  • rice
There really are just so many things you can do sensory wise. The possibilities are endless.  Adalyn usually eats what ever I put in there, but it's all natural and edible so I don't mind.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up to Homeschooling on the Cheap! last week! You are being featured on my page as one of my favorites! Stop over and link up more of your awesome ideas!

    Have a great week! Kelli


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