Sunday, May 27, 2012

Adalyn's First Haircut

In preparation for our family pictures we took yesterday there were haircuts happening left and right in our house. Which even included Adalyn. It wasn't much of a haircut, but I took her to see Nicole over at Zo Hair Salon to get her ends evened up. There was a corner of her hair that never fell out when she was a baby and it was a good inch longer then every where else. Her hair was also getting harder to brush and more tangled so clipping the ends off helped solved that problem.

I was very nervous about how my little girl would take to getting her haircut. I had flashes of Shane's 1st haircut when he was 10 months old and SCREAMED the WHOLE time.I conveniently  scheduled it for a time that my Mom would be in town, too. I figured back up wouldn't hurt if all hell broke loose.

She continues to stick with the pattern of doing everything the opposite of her brother. Adalyn did not shed a single tear, she did not make a fuss or a peep. She hopped right up into the chair and let Nicole go to town. Well, she didn't keep her head still. She was like an owl, swiveling her head side to side taking all the action in around her. It didn't take long to even out the tips and complete the 1st hair cut though.

Before:  hanging out while Shane got his hair cut first.

Up in the chair...feeling a little shy at first. 

Oh, but wait...I can see myself in the mirror. 

 All done! Now that was an easy hair cut (for me at least), no tears and just a little wiggling. Yay!!

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