Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday -- Picture Round Up

It seems that my time for blogging has disappeared and my camera is full of fun pictures. Here is a little "almost" wordless Wednesday picture round up of what has been going on at our house lately.

Adalyn trying on her brother's space suit hat on. 
Of course, you need gloves with that kind of outfit.

It's very difficult to eat in, too.
 My girl has been crashing out in the car unexpectedly lately.

There is a duck on Kenny's car!
He started out on the roof, then went to my car and then to Kenny's.
We haven't seen our ducks in about a week or so.

I really need to get Shane a button that say's "I dressed myself today". He picked this outfit because he "had meetings" later in the day. It was also a 65 degree day out, too.

Adalyn and Arli eating lunch.

This past week I took the trays away, now the big girls eat up at the counter.

Adalyn was being a goof.
She is signing cold in this picture. 
I have no idea what was cold though.

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