Thursday, May 3, 2012

Converstions with Shane

Me: Are you going to go to Vacation Bible School this summer? I need to sign you up today and want to make sure that you really want to go.

Shane: Yes. I'll be five right?

Me: Yes, you'll be five when you go. You'll be happy when I drop you off?

Shane: Yes, five year old's don't whine, right?

Me: Yep, you are right. Five year old's don't whine.

Shane: Will I be able to go to Vacation Bible School when I am six?

Me: Yep, you sure can.

Shane: I won't whine when I am six either. When I am ten I REALLY won't whine, because ten year old's are really big and they don't whine at all!

Me: Yep, that sounds about right to me!

I'm documenting this conversation to remind Shane of his "promise" of no whining when he turns five and beyond. I can't wait for his fifth birthday!!!!

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