Thursday, June 21, 2012

Family Pictures

A couple weeks ago we had the pleasure of having our family pictures taken my Christine Moody of Trimood Photography. I had purchased a photography session during an online auction that was raising funds for a local little boy with Leukemia. I knew we needed to have a family photo shoot soon, since our last one didn't include Adalyn and was 2+ years ago. I figured it was a win-win situation. I fought until the last minute to win that auction!

Anyways...I finally got a day scheduled. We all got our hair cut and I sorta had in my head what we would wear. That part stresses me out so bad. I did wait probably a little to last minute on the clothes part, but it worked out okay. The day ended up being beautiful out and we even pushed our scheduled time back a bit to let the sun set in the sky some. We picked a park (O.O. Denny located on Lake Washington) just around the corner from our house so that we could limit the travel time on the kiddos. I also really wanted something that reflected where we and water. We didn't end up with any pictures of the lake really visibe...maybe next time. They are gorgeous and green though.

I knew in my head that Shane would be our tough cookie. Not wanting to smile or cooperate. It turned out that Adalyn was the stinker. We got about 15 minutes top of good picture taking time out of her and the next 45 minutes was sheer torture. She wanted nothing to do with the camera, sitting still, listening, etc. All she wanted was that Darn Bunny!! I really, really, really didn't want Bunny in our family pictures.

I felt terrible for Christine. We seriously put her through the ringer. She managed to get a handful of presentable shots of us through all the craziness. The next family photo shoot can only get better from here.

This is my FAVORITE picture of all of them!

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