Saturday, June 23, 2012

Toddler Group Teacher

When Shane was a toddler I stumbled upon Lake Washington Toddler Group (LWTG). I was visiting a business next to the toddler group and could see into the windows and it looked like so much fun. I went home and found it online and enrolled us up for the following school year. We spent two wonderful years there where we attended class once a week with Teacher Kris. Shane was able to explore all kinds of different centers, do arts and crafts, sit in circle time, sing songs, eat a snack and play with other kids his age. I got to chat with other Moms and learn from our bi-weekly parent education and various evening speakers and events. I loved every moment of our time at LWTG and have been counting down the time until Adalyn could join this coming September.

We have 3 awesome toddler groups in our community (Kirkland, Redmond and Woodinville). All are run through Lake Washington Technical College. I've had my eye set on getting my foot in the door at one of the toddler groups in our area as a teacher. I love the program so much and knew that it would fit perfectly with my skill set and background.

A couple months ago I interviewed at Redmond Toddler Group for their new Saturday class they have added to their schedule for the 2012-2013 school year. I got the job!!! Whohoo! I am super excited to be joining their team and getting my feet wet in the world of toddler group.

If you live in the area and have a toddler please check out these awesome programs. Registration is currently open for all 3 toddler groups. Heck...if you live in Redmond (or near there) think about joining my Saturday family class! They all offer scholarships as well, so if you think you are interested but are concerned about funds, contact them about scholarship availability.

I'm looking forward to my new adventures as a toddler group teacher come September.


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