Monday, July 23, 2012

Full Summer

I know a little boy who has had a busy full summer so far. Even with a lack of sunshine he has been living it up.

He had a session of swimming lessons. He has said he liked them, but he didn't do so well. This was level 1 for the third time (twice last summer). We had him signed up for another session in August, but canceled those after he didn't pass this session either. He loves being in the water, but refuses to get his head or ears wet which is what he has to do to be able to pass level 1. We'll give him some more time and exposure in the water and hope next year we can move past level 1.

Then he had a week of Vacation Bible School, which he has been talking about for months now. Even with his anxiousness of something new he was super excited to go. He cried a little at drop off, but each day got better and easier and by the final fifth day he didn't cry at all. He loved all the singing and activities they did. We've heard his favorite song over and over and over again since that week.

Then he had a week of golf camp. We gave him the option at the beginning of the summer to do a golf or baseball camp. He asked to do both of them, so we said sure. He again was excited to go, but those nerves just take over for awhile. I was so proud of him all week. He did great drop off every day. One day he had an issue about going to the bathroom. We talked through it after camp and the next day he asked to go to the bathroom. I was again so proud of him working through his fear and uncomfortableness. He has come a long way. Not all that long ago Kenny and I weren't sure we would ever be able to send him off to do something fun like a camp.

He is currently spending a few days in Sequim with Mema and Papa participating in a golf camp over there. The camp he went to last week was a lot of fun, but it wasn't really based on any golf skills. The one he is at for 3 days this week will give him some basic golf skills. He does think that he is already the best golfer ever.

Then in August he'll spend a week at baseball camp. Then throw in all the time we spend hanging out at the beach, playing in water and having fun with friends. I'm pretty sure Shane is having a fantastic summer.

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