Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Retaining Wall Phase 2

Last year we worked on a corner of our backyard and added a retaining wall. We had planned on taking the wall almost across the whole yard but ran into some root issues. With those issues in mind we also ran out of time last summer and needed better weather to take on the problems that had arisen.

After a lot of thinking about how to deal with the retaining wall and the root issue we decided to take out the trees to shed more light on our backyard. Then Kenny went to town removing the roots and digging out a trench so we could finish the retaining wall. After a lot of sweat, muscle, and a couple visits from my Dad and his chainsaw the path had been cleared and Kenny was able to complete the retaining wall.

It is really amazing how it makes the backyard look so much bigger and really gives us a lot more usable space. We still have one more phase to go: landscaping. I have some plans swirling in my head that include a bird bath, a trellis, some pots buried in to the ground and mulch/bark over the top of all of it.

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