Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer Bucket List -- 2012

I made a summer bucket list for us this year. I remembered that at the beginning of summer there are so many things that I want to do, but I seem to forget what they are. Then when I'm looking for something fun and new for us to do I can't think of anything. We have our afternoon open on this sunny summer day and I was struggling to figure out what we should do. Ah...the bucket to just pick which one we'll do today. I put a star by the ones we've completed already.

 2012 Summer Bucket List

Drive in Movie

Camp in the backyard

Make ‘smores in the backyard with our firepit

Wash the cars

 Play catch with water balloons

Make a magnetic puzzle for the frig
(think I'll save this for a rainy day)

*Go on a treasure hunt/scavenger hunt

Take Adalyn to a free Gymboree Class
(saving this for the fall)

*Make ice cream sundaes or banana splits

Go to an outdoor concert

Go to a local water/splash park
 (Grasslawn Splash Park Redmond or
Crossroads Splash Park)

*Sponge Ball water fun

Have Shane write a story and illustrate it
 (also good for a rainy day)

Make root beer floats

Make a hallway fort
 (rainy day activity)

Big Truck Day, Redmond August

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