Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer in Sequim

The kids and I took our annual summer trip to Sequim this past week. I had hoped to spend a lot of our time hanging out at various beaches, but the weather didn't really cooperate with that plan. Summer left us two days into our trip.

We did get some sunny play time outside before the sun disappeared. Shane had a fun with the stomp rocket. Plenty of room to set it off with out worrying that it will get lost over a fence or up on a roof top. Yes, he is missing his pants. That kid would live in just his underwear if he could. 

We also spent an afternoon at the Clallam County Fair. The kids loved seeing and touching all the animals. Well, Adalyn was happy until we got to the goats that were to loud for her. Then she decided she was over the animals. But Shane and I had a blast saying hi to the dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, goats, rabbits, sheep and chickens.

Shane even went on his first carnival rides!! He would only ride with me, so he couldn't go on the little kid rides because adults can't go on those. We started out on the carousel, then went on the roller coaster and finished it off with a ride on the "Whirly Twirly". We giggled the whole time on the roller coaster and laughed hysterically on the Whirly Twirly ride. I couldn't believe how fast the last one went. Shane said half way though it that his neck was going to break because he couldn't hold it up. He begged all weekend to go back and ride more rides. This is huge for a kid who not all that long ago didn't want to even play on a playground. Though he still didn't want to ride by himself, I'll take the steps we've made in a positive direction with him.

Thanks Mema and Papa for putting up with the circus. Shane said this morning he can't wait to go back and see you guys. He may have drove me crazy on our visit, but he only has fond memories.

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