Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reno Air Races {Guest Post}

My first ever guest post! Welcome, Kenny....

Shane and I took a trip to Reno back in September to visit Grandma and Grandpa Booth and to see the great Reno Air Races. Grandma and Grandpa live just a mile from the airport where the air races are held and there's non-stop action for 4 days.  For two of the days we headed into the airport to watch the races up close.  The races themselves consist of multiple 'classes' of planes that race around a course next to the main runway.  The classes include jets, AT-6's, and unlimited's (mostly P-51 Mustang's).  In addition to the races, there are jet teams, stunt performances, and lots of planes to look at and walk inside of. 

Shane absolutely loved the air races and couldn't get enough of all the planes. After our two days at the races, we watched the activities from Grandma and Grandpa's house and got a chance to see the jet shows from a distance.

Grandpa, Shane and Kenny.

Shane and I in front of the 'helicopter with teeth!'

Shane inside the C-130.

In the grandstands watching a race.

Stunt plane coming in for a landing.

Stunt plane land on a truck.  

Watching the F-22's get ready to take off.  
Shane's favorite planes were the F-22's!

 Shane inside the cockpit of the C-17. 

 Shane scanning the skies for jets.

 Race planes speeding around the course.

The Patriot Jet Team.

Shane watching the races. 

Shane at the Sierra Safari Animal Zoo. 

Shane loved the deer (and this deer really liked him). 

Shane feeding the deer.
Shane checking out the camel. 

A big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for having Shane and I to the air races. We had a great time and maybe some year we'll make it back again.

1 comment:

  1. I think Kenny might need his own blog! This one was very interesting! :)


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